As much as I enjoy traveling and seeing new things, I believe it is important to explore local areas. In addition to causing less pollution, repeatedly visiting local areas gives more opportunities to form deep connections with their nature. I consider some of the subjects in these images to be my friends - I visit them as often as I can and I see them in a variety of conditions year after year.
The upper midwest is a wonderful place to go outside, although it seems to fly under the radar. There aren't national parks here and it is not a popular tourist destination. However, after seeing its quiet beauty season after season, I feel a yearning to show it off at its best.
The following photographs were made with care in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan - places where I feel at home.
Updated: 2023-09-21


Winter Weave

Deep Cold

Until the Bitter End

Blinding White


Brought Out

Spin Cycle


Cold Frothy One

Fantastic Voyage

Rain Light

Just Around the Next Corner

Tall Tales

Dreaming of Oaks

Flaky Crust

Serenity Now

All the World's A Stage

Pleasant Surprises


Just A Moment


Frozen Together

Quick Blizzard

Beauty Standards


'Zen State